All walks include fresh water as well as a picture and text update for piece of mind.
One hour of dog walking for high energy dogs.
One of our more popular packages. Good for high energy dogs who are at home a lot.
Good walk time for most dogs. This time works well for medium energy dogs.
This is a great walk time for smaller dogs, older dogs or dogs who just need a quick break.
30 minute set group walks take place Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11:45 - 1:00.
For these walks dogs are tested ahead of time with each member of the pack to make sure they are compatible.
For these walks your dog must be fixed or in a group with no other unfixed dogs. Your dog must also be good on leash (no excessive pulling or lunging) and good with other dogs.
If you plan on using our services please plan ahead - we also require a meet and greet before we walk.
We are also not accepting dogs who excessively pull, or large reactive dogs.